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RFID Stickers Manufacturer

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RFID Stickers

RFID stickers are thin tags that can be attached to items for tracking. They comprise an antenna, an integrated circuit, and a thin adhesive substrate.

The integrated circuit has enough memory to store information about a particular item. Once the sticker is attached on the item, it will allow tracking and easy identification.

RFID stickers are printable using a special RFID printer. They are common in car tracking and identification.

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RFID Stickers by Material

rfid paper stickers

Paper RFID Stickers

Paper RFID Label is the most commonly used RFID sticker, mainly because of the relatively low cost and easy printing, all are widely used.

Paper RFID lable is mainly used for asset management, inventory management, etc.

pet rfid stickers

PET RFID Stickers

PET RFID Label is relative to paper RFID label advantage is environmentally friendly, durable, not easy to be damaged, also support proofing.

fragile rfid tags​

Fragile RFID tags

Fragile tags use special fragile paper and anti-transfer glue, tag antenna remove PET layer to achieve the effect of RFID fragile tags can not be peeled off normally after pasting, anti-transfer and anti-tear. After its affixing on the item, then uncover up the antenna will automatically break, so its play the role of anti-counterfeiting, mainly used in the field of anti-counterfeiting traceability of valuable items, tobacco, famous wine, etc.

anti metal rfid stickers

Anti metal RFID Stickers

RFID anti-metal sticker adds an anti-metal material to the original RFID sticker to ensure it can work on the metal surface. Anti-metal labels are characterized by their ability to work properly on the surface of metal objects or objects with water inside.

Application of RFID Stickers

RFID stickers can be attached to any surface. You will be required to remove a transparent or translucent cover to expose the adhesive layer of the tag. Here are some of the major applications of RFID stickers:

  1. Vehicle Identification 

This is the primary use of RFID stickers. The sticker has enough memory where you can save details such as purchase date, vehicle ID, last serviced date, and date of purchase, among other crucial details. Whenever your vehicle comes near an RFID reader, it will display this information for ease of identification. 

This information is particularly important in the following sectors:

  • Car Wash Facilities. Most car wash facilities have an RFID reader. The service providers give their customers RFID stickers that must be attached on the vehicle. This enables cleaners to read about the condition of the car and the owner’s preferences before embarking on cleaning. Some of the details that can be saved in such stickers include the last visit day, the owner’s preference on level/type of cleaning, and frequency of cleaning.
  • Tolling Stations. RFID stickers can be used in making toll payments, flagging overweight vehicles, and identifying defaulters. Toll stations are strategically fitted with RFID readers that capture the details of every car that is fitted with an RFID sticker. The tag can also be linked to bank details to enable automatic payment of toll fees. 
  • Car Dealerships. When dealing with many vehicles, it is difficult to memorize the specifications for each car. To save you from this hassle, you can write the details of each car on an RFID sticker and attach it to the corresponding car. In this case, you will easily retrieve all the details of the car by scanning the RFID sticker! 
  1. Asset Tracking

With RFID stickers, you can effectively track assets. RFID stickers have a strong adhesive and last longer. Scan the tags to quickly retrieve asset information.

  1. Estimating Delivery Times

Long-distance trucks deliver goods to specific buyers. Due to the high value of consignments, buyers and sellers have the urge to know the location and expected time of arrival of the trucks. 

One of the surest tracking technologies is the use of RFID stickers. Whenever these trucks pass through a toll fitted with RFID readers, the owner will get the timestamp. As such, they will be able to estimate the location of the truck as well as the expected time of delivery. 

  1. Inventory Management 

RFID stickers offer a relatively inexpensive method of product identification and inventory management. You can stick them on each of your products thus allowing flawless checkout and easy tracking of orders. 

To achieve this, you will need to have an RFID reader. Whenever any object is flashed past the reader, it will reveal the item’s tracking details such as purchase date, number of items remaining on stock, batch number, and expiry date among others.

This system ensures that you do not understock or overstock. Additionally, the system ensures that you notice short expiry items for ease of disposal. 

  1. Track Visitors Entry And Exit 

Some countries such as Japan and Norway have included an RFID tag on passports to store information about visitors. Such details are essential since they heighten security by monitoring who enters or leaves a country. 

RFID stickers are particularly useful since they are thin and can be made using a transparent substrate. This makes it easy for them to be attached to the passport without affecting its readability/ usage. 

RFID Stickers By Frequency

low frequency 125KHz rfid stickers

125KHz RFID Sticker

125 kHz RFID sticker can be used for personal identification and helps protect information and data related to personal information. Usually used in warehouses or wherever asset tracking is required.

13.56mhz rfid stickers

13.56MHz RFID Stickers

13.56MHz RFID Stickers are mainly used for anti-counterfeiting and NFC applications, such as anti-counterfeiting and traceability of high-end commodities.

uhf rfis stickers

UHF RFID Stickers

RFID UHF RFID S can be customized with logos, serial codes or EPC lasers. Asset management, unmanned retail, etc.

How to choose the right RFID Stickers

1.Make sure you have your own system

RFID tags cannot be used alone, so you need to make sure you have your own existing system or that you are a system integrator so that you can purchase your own RFID tags.

2.Tell us the type of chip you are using

Chip is the core of RFID can store and exchange data, for the beginning of the system design will choose a good chip model, different chip features and prices are different, so you need to determine your own system to use the chip model.

If you do not know your own chip model, you can send us a sample of your hand to help you test the chip model.

3.Select RFID Stickers material and size

The price is different for different materials and sizes, so choose the right material and size for you based on cost control.

4.Define your additional processes

We can customize the logo, print UID, Encoding data etc. for RFID Stickers.

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Frequent Asked Question​

RFID stickers and labels are often used to mark inventory or expensive assets to achieve RFID tracking. Each label contains an RFID chip and antenna, which can be printed or pre-printed and can be quickly pasted to improve work efficiency.

The working principle of RFID sticker is the same as that of RFID tag. The RFID reader antenna supplies power to the tag through radio waves to achieve the effect of data interaction.

Generally, the reading range of high-frequency and low-frequency rfid sticker is 0-10cm, using high-power readers can reach 1-2m, UHF RFID sticker tags can read up to 12 meters, but UHF tags are most susceptible to interference.

RFID stickers are printable, you can have your print material customize the corresponding RFID stickers, you can also entrust our factory for custom printing

The primary advantage of passive RFID systems is that tags are very inexpensive, ranging from $0.10 to $1.50 per tag. These tags also don’t require batteries, so they last for many years.

Common RFID chips

IC Memory Protocol Read/Write Datasheet
TK4100 64bit ISO7815 Read-only Download
EM4200 128bit ISO7815 Read-only Download
EM4305 512bit ISO11784/11785 Read&Write Download
EM4450 1kbit ISO11784/11785 Read&Write Download
ATA5577 224bit ISO11784/11785 Read&Write Download
Hitag 1 2048bit ISO11784/11785 Read&Write Download
Hitag2 256bit ISO11784/11785 Read&Write Download
MIFARE Classic 1k(S50) 1K Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Classic 4k(S70) 4K Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Ultralight EV 1 512bit ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Ultralight C 192 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Plus EV2(2K) 2K Byte ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Plus EV2(4K) 4K Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Plus SE(2K) 2K Byte ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Plus SE(4K) 4K Byte ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Plus X(2K) 2K Byte ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Plus X(4K) 4K Byte ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Desfire Light 640 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Desfire EV3(2K) 2K Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Desfire EV3(4K) 4K Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
MIFARE Desfire EV3(8K) 8K Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
NTAG 213 144 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
NTAG 215 504 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
NTAG 216 888 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
NTAG 213 Tag Temper 144 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
NTAG 424 DNA 416 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
NTAG 424 DNA Tag Tamper 416 Bytes ISO14443A Read&Write Download
ICODE SLIX 896 bits ISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1 Read&Write Download
ICODE SLIX 2 2528 bits ISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1 Read&Write Download
ICODE SLIX-L 256 bits ISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1 Read&Write Download
ICODE SLIX-S 1280 bits ISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1 Read&Write Download
ICODE DNA 2016 bits ISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1 Read&Write Download
Tag-Itâ„¢ HF-I Standard (TI 256) 256 Byte ISO15693 Read&Write Download
Tag-Itâ„¢ HF-I Plus (TI 2048) 2K Bytes ISO15693 Read&Write Download
Higgs 3 96 bit epc,512 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
Higgs 4 128 bit epc,512 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
MONZA 4QT 128 bit epc,512 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
Monza 5 128 bit epc,32 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
Monza R6 96bit epc EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
Monza R6-P 96bit epc,32 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
UCODE 7 128 bit epc EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
UCODE 7m 128 bit epc EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
Ucode 8 128 bit epc EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
Ucode 8m 96 bit epc,32 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download
UCODE DNA 224bit epc,3072 bit user EPC Class1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6C Read&Write Download

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